Year 2
Please visit our curriculum page to find out more.
Phonics in Year 2
The children will be continuing on their Read, Write, Inc. (RWI) journey this year. They will be assessed every half term and be placed in colour banded groups accordingly. We will not be mixing year groups this year due to the current situation, so your child will be working within a Year 2 group. Please log into Google classroom regularly to see any practice work that has been set for your child’s phonics group.
Phonics Screening Check
The Phonics Screening Check assesses a child’s ability to decode words at an age-appropriate level. The assessment involves children reading real words and ‘nonsense words’ and usually takes place towards the end of Year 1, however, as a result of school closures in the summer, Year 2 children will be assessed in the second half of the Autumn term.
For more information on how to help your child with phonics, please visit our phonics page here.
Children will be bring home a variety of books to read.
A RWI book bag book will be sent home on Monday.
A paper copy of the RWI book that has been read in their phonics group be will be sent home every 3 days, but collected back in the following day so they can be quarantined before going home with another child. Therefore, please try to read the paper copy with your child on the day it comes home. Please do not write your child’s name on the front of these books.
Children who have finished the RWI programme will be given appropriate books which they can change themselves.
Children will bring home a library book that can be changed regularly.
- Reading is the most important thing you can do with your child at home - please encourage them to read regularly and to read a wide variety of texts.
Creative Homework can be found on the half-termly overview for parents. There are many options for creative homework which are linked to our theme.
Spellings will be given out on Friday. These can be found on Google Classroom.
Maths homework will be given out on a Monday. This will be on Education City. Children are also encouraged to practise on Times Tables Rockstars.
End of Key Stage National Test (SATs)
In Year 2, pupils are assessed in reading, writing and maths. In May, they will take tests (SATs) which will be used to support teachers' judgements about whether they have achieved the national expectations for the end of KS1. Although these are formal tests, the children are put under no pressure and only have to try their best.