Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

"In the Learning in Harmony Trust, we work in harmony to achieve excellence for all. We live and breathe our values and focus on doing things the right way, providing the perfect environment for all our children to flourish and succeed. And with a diverse range of schools in two contrasting locations, we offer a unique opportunity for professionals looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a supportive, creative and forward-thinking environment."
Click here to find out more about the LiH Trust.

Temple Sutton Primary

Temple Sutton
Primary School


Life at Temple Sutton

Temple Sutton Primary School is a happy and vibrant learning community that lives and breathes its values. Children at Temple Sutton enjoy learning in clean, safe and inspirational learning environments and benefit from large playing fields, a fantastic all-weather pitch, our own Swimming Pool and a bespoke Music Room. This helps us provide a broad, exciting curriculum that inspires our learners to achieve academically and sparks their creativity.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Temple Sutton Primary School. On this page, you can find links to more information about our school, such as our most recent Ofsted report and details on our curriculum. Also on this page is our Determined Admissions Arrangements for the coming years; these documents outline the entire admissions process and include details of our catchment area.

Virtual Tour Video


What do people say about our school?


Pupils are happy and feel safe in school. They learn in a warm, caring, and calm environment. They establish highly respectful relationships with each other.

Pupils’ behaviour is good and relationships in the school are very positive.

These pupils make strong gains in their learning from when they join the school. They learn well because leaders are ambitious for them.

Bullying is rare. If it does happen pupils know that staff deal with it quickly. Pupils know that there are many adults who they can go to if they need support.


"Everyone looks after me and gives me nice things to learn." Harper, Early Years

"I love Temple Sutton because it's amazing and I love doing all the learning." Rex, Year 1

"I love Temple Sutton because there are nice teachers that you can speak to if you are worried" Faye, Year 2

"What I love about Temple Sutton is that it is very calm place and the other children are kind", Tia, Year 5

Statutory Admissions Information

Determined Admissions Arrangements 

 Full details of the determined admissions arrangements for our upcoming intake years can be found below:




Applying for a place for a September start

Temple Sutton welcomes all applications.  We have one main intake in September and we try to encourage entry at this time in order to support the child's academic progression without interruption, however, parents can apply at any time and are encouraged to visit the school.

Applications can be made online at

In Year Admissions

Applications for a school place, for children aged between 5 - 16 during the school year are referred to as in-year admissions. To find out further information on the availability of places across the borough, or to apply for a place at our school please visit

Admissions: How to appeal.

Please follow the guidance in the Southend Borough Council publication:

The timetable for appeals in the main round of admission: year R and year 3 in September 2024, is as follows: