Year 1 PaGE
Please visit our curriculum page to find out more.
We believe that phonics should be taught in an engaging and systematic way, using a multi-sensory approach to our youngest children. The Read, Write Inc. (RWI) programme enables us to do this. Further information on the RWI programme can be found here.
Continuous Provision in Year 1
During the Autumn Term, children will still be able to access independent learning in the afternoon. The aim is to consolidate and extend their own learning. Each Year 1 classroom has areas that mirror the provision from their Early Years environment.
- Reading is the most important thing you can do with your child at home - please encourage them to read regularly and to read a wide variety of texts.
Creative Homework can be found on the half-termly overview for parents. There are many options for creative homework which are linked to our theme.
Spellings: you can access your child’s ‘Red words’ using their Read Write Inc Google Classroom.
- Maths - Please encourage your child to use Education City to practise their maths skills. Your child will also benefit from regular practical experiences of maths, including reading numbers, counting, telling the time, using money and measuring.