Friends of Temple Sutton.
We are a very small group of working parents who work with the school to put on events for the children in order to raise funds for items and equipment that will enhance the children's school experience. In recent years we have bought the outside gazebo and equipped it with books, beanbags, cushions and soft toys. We have also bought a sewing machine for the sewing club, the trees that line the pathways to the music and art rooms and we are awaiting the delivery of a large tent that will available for the children to use as reading area on the infant side of the playground. Our biggest expense this year has been the school's Minibus that we are leasing each year for the children's use. We also yearly provide all Key Stage 1 children with gifts from a certain special man in December and all year 6 children with autograph books and pens. Our events include 3 discos a year, the St. George's Day dress down day, the Summer Fair and Year 6 Leavers' BBQ.
We are always open to ideas and supporters for the PTA and we can be reached via our email at or via our green box on our board situated by the office. We have many ideas for more events and fundraising ideas, however we can not look to arrange these until we have more regular helpers that can give their time to help organise these events. Our discos are gathering more and more parental support, but we always need people to help run them.